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When I became a mother, it acutely struck me how many children could not thrive, simply because of the circumstances they were born into. 

This forced me to face the painful realisationthat children aren't born equal. A child born into a war zone in Libya does not have the same opportunities as a child born in the suburbs of England. 

And it is the job of anyone who sees the potential in all children, in their complete innocence and beauty, to try and change this painful fact. Our mission at Little IA is simple, and that is to try in the best way that we can improve the quality of lives of the children around us through donating a portion of sales from Little IA to children's charities worldwide and supporting them with their annual activities wherever we can. 

Below you will find three charities that we are currently working with or have worked with in the past. As a company, we are always looking for children's causes to donate to which aren't given the attention they so require, do feel free to message us directly if you have a cause you would like to share.

Roshni x 


Emirates Red Crescent

ERC is a volunteer humanitarian organization that supports official authorities in times of peace and war.

Sharjah Social Empowerment Foundation

A charity that supports orphan and their families

PILA Global

PILA Global is a US-based education non-profit that provides play and learning spaces for young children (primarily refugees) who would otherwise not have access to education

Our mission at Little IA is simple, and that is to try in the best way that we can to improve the quality of lives of the children around us through donating a portion of sales from Little IA to children's charities worldwide and supporting them with their annual activities wherever we can.



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