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Mama Hack: Art Cart

I am all for anything that saves me time, and this one is a must. Plus it's super Instagram worthy at the end which makes you feel like a pretty AMAZING mama and you can really get as creative with it as you like.

So what is an Art Cart? It is basically the house for everything crafts related in your own home, and allows you to do a variety of different creative activities without needing to search for a million pieces. My Art Cart concept is based off this IKEA RAKSOG trolley. It is KEY to get something on wheels so that it can be moved inside to outside (we love any messy play to be outside the house), and seamlessly from room to room. You definitely don't want this cart out and about for toddlers to play with freely, so we lock it in the storage cupboard after we are done (trust me, we've learnt our lesson when this wasn't hidden away). 

It contains 3 different levels.

On the top level:

I have further added 6 small containers to house:

1) Felt tip pens

2) Crayons and Colouring Pencils

3) Glue, Glitter Glue (always a hit), Pritt Stick and Scissors

4) Pom-Poms, Pipe-Cleaners and Stickers

5) Wooden Sticks (they look like ice-lolly sticks and are great for crafts)

6) Paint Brushes, Rubber Eraser and Pencil Sharpener

On the second level:

I have added a large container with all our paints, normal paints, glitter paints and a few paint palettes. On this level, I also have a few empty paint palettes I bought for a birthday party we did at home where I create an arts station. These paint palettes are very handy to have, in case you don't want your children playing with pots of paint, you can prepare a palette for them. 

On the third level:

I keep 3 washable aprons, colouring paper, tissue paper and a small stationary organiser. The stationary organiser is so I can grab it and add a few colouring pencils, a pair of scissors, and some glue, and quickly set up an activity without taking the entire art cart with me.




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