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Motherhood is the Thief of Time by Emma Heaphy

I came across the below passage and it resonated hard:

Motherhood can be the thief of time.

Some days you spend your time trying to do it "right", without realising how much time has been wrongly spent.

Some days you spend your time trying to find a moment for yourself, far too often realising there are no moments left.

Some days you spend your time to catch up on the never-ending lists, when a new word, a new milestone or a matured feature prompts your sudden realization that the time has passed.

As the beginning of it all time seems long, endless, low and forgiving, but during it becomes short, abrupt, fast and unrelenting. In this season the beauty is often seen in the retrospect.

You can wonder, where did the time go?

You want to steal it back, but you can't.

It's too late.

Motherhood can be the thief of time, but also the thief of your heart.

Let your heart be stolen but not your time, for time will never wait for your heart to miss a beat, but your heart will always wait for the time that has been missed.

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