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Just You Wait and See by Jess Ulrichs

Jess Ulrichs is a mother and writer I've been following for awhile on Social Media. She is able to so eloquently tap into all of the feelings of being a mother. The aches and the joys, like no other. Below is a piece of writing she shared that lingered with me long after I read it:

"Just You Wait and See"

You'll hear those words a bit mama, probably you already have.

You'll be reminded that if you think you're tired now, 

Just you wait and see. 

If you think you're sore now,

Just you wait and see.

If you think you're busy now,

Just you wait and see.

There's so much you'll be told but there's so much they don't say too.

They'll tell you the birth is painful, but did they tell you about your strength? The strength you always had that could bring a life into this world and shortly after leave you breathless? 

They';; tell you it's the most rewarding job in the world, but did they tell you they felt lonely? That some days a rain cloud followed them around and they mourned for more than dishes, washing and burp cloths. You'll wonder how this can be so hard when loving them comes so easy?

They'll tell you that you'll lose yourself in motherhood, but did they tell you to stop looking for her? It's still you, just a new version, reborn as a mother. She is coming to find you, so stand still for a moment.

They''ll tell you of how fast they grow and it's true. One minute you're their whole world, the next they're venturing down the hallway, room by room theirs becomes bigger. It's sad when they leave versions of themselves behind, but be proud mama, they're going places!

They'll tell you they hope you have a good baby that sleeps through the night. But did they tell you to surrender? I know the pain of sleepless nights, but they need you right now, you're their home, they're all good babies.

They'll tell you about that first smile, about that precious moment. But did they tell you it happens when you need it most? The fourth trimester can be tough, but almost as if planned that smile will save you.

They'll tell you it's a strain on your relationship and it can be/ But did they tell you that it won't always be this way? One day you'll have back your nights, the clean house and the silent rooms. And your heart will be in pieces.

It's a beautiful bumpy road where the best isn't just yet to come.

The best is yesterday, today and tomorrow.

That's motherhood.

And it's magic.

Just you wait and see. 



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